503 error in WordPress – How to fix 503 service unavailable
- WordPress Tutorials
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Remember that regardless of the minor issues on your site, you, as a top site administrator, should identify all the threats that may arise for the site and know how to deal with them. One of these problems is the 503 error in WordPress, which appears as a 503 service unavailable error in the browser.
No matter what platform you use to set up your site, you will still get a series of errors. People who use WordPress also encounter various errors, but each problem has a solution, and today we decided to introduce you to several explanations for the 503 Service Unavailable error.
503 Error in WordPress
This error can occur for various reasons, and we can not give a reason for it if it is interrupted. But we can explain and solve it. The “503 Service Unavailable” error generally occurs when your web server cannot receive a proper response from PHP scripts.
This PHP script could be the wrong WordPress plugin, WordPress Theme, or custom code. If the error is due to heavy use of a server, or DDoS attacks, the error disappears automatically after a few minutes. You do not need to do anything, but you can if an incorrect code causes an error on the site. You will have a severe problem, and this error will remain on the site until you identify and disable the code that caused the error.
Of course, there is no need to worry about this error because by using the method that we teach you, you can fix it as soon as possible.
So, in general, this error is displayed to you in various ways, including the following:
- 503 Service Unavailable
- HTTP Server Error 503
- HTTP 503
- 503 Error
- Error 503 Service Unavailable
- HTTP Error 503 The service is unavailable
- HTTP Error 503
- Http / 1.1 Service Unavailable
So if you encounter one of these issues on your site, use the following methods to fix it.
Troubleshooting 503 service unavailable error
As mentioned above, the 503 Service Unavailable error occurs when your web server cannot get a proper response from a PHP script running in the background; So you have to disable all unnecessary PHP scripts separately to fix this error.
To do this, you must follow all the steps below with our step-by-step instructions that we will tell you strictly on your site until this error is fixed.
Temporarily disable all if your website plugins
Sometimes plugins that you install on your site have bugs, which can be one of the main reasons you encounter this error. So the first thing you need to do is make sure the 503 error is not due to a plugin bug. To do this, you must disable all plugins on your site.
Log in to your hosting admin panel and click on File Manager »wp-content, now you will be taken to another page where you can see a folder called Plugins. This folder contains all the plugins you have downloaded; right-click on this file and select Rename. Rename the folder, for example, to plugins-old. Then create a new folder called plugins.

Now go back to the site, and if the problem is fixed, it means that one of the plugins has caused this error, so go back to your host and delete the new folder you created and rename the plugin-old folder again. Please change it to plugins.
This way, your plugins are still disabled, and you have to activate all the plugins individually through the plugins » installed plugins; and check the site and see which plugin you will encounter this error when starting and the malicious plugin Identify and delete it or replace by a better plugin.
But by disabling all these plugins, you may still have a 503 error on your site, in which case you should use the following methods.
Activate the default WordPress template
The problem mentioned above may be the same for your site template, so we have to use the above method again, except that we must disable the templates. The first step is to disable your current template and enable the default WordPress template.
With a tool like FTP, you can easily access your host folders. Enter your Hosting File Manager folder. Please make a backup copy of your template and save it to your system.
Right-click on the template folder and click Compress, then download the created zip file. Like the image below:

After saving the template file on your system, delete the template file from the server; In this case, WordPress automatically uses the default template. Now go back to the site and check that the problem is resolved.
If the problem is solved, that is, your template code has a problem, then it is better to replace a better template; But if you still have this problem, you should go to the next step.
If you have gone through the above steps, you still have this problem on your site; you need to see where the error occurred. I suggest you update your WordPress to the latest version in the first place and check the error on the site again.
Finally, it would be best if you connected with your hosting support team. This error may be due to server resource constraints, server technical glitches. So contact your host support and thoroughly explain all the work you have done on the site so that they can solve the problem for you.
So, in general, you do not need to worry about fixing this error. All you have to do is troubleshoot so that you can finally use the right solution to the problem. Just as easily!
We hope you find this helpful article. be victorious. 🙂
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