What is popup advertising? Whether to use Popup or not

What is popup advertising? Whether to use Popup or not

Today, with the increasing number of Internet businesses and the popularity of websites, advertising has become very prominent. Most web admins and Internet business owners believe that in addition to adhering to all the principles of SEO and continuous activity on social networks, other advertisements should be taken seriously to grow and develop. One of the methods of advertising inside the website is popup advertising.

One of the most important advertising models that are also very popular among web admins is pop-up advertising. You may be wondering what is meant by pop-up ads? In this article from Homeland WordPress, we will review this type of advertising and explain its advantages and disadvantages. So join us.

What is a pop-up ad

In fact, pop-up advertising is a model of online advertising that focuses on attracting more traffic to websites. This type of advertising is displayed using JavaScript in a box inside our website.

Of course, there are other ways to pop up. This second method will display your web page as a new browser window. This method is not recommended at all and is not the subject of our discussion in this article.

This type of digital advertising is quite popular among web admins and web admins, but it is not so popular with ordinary users. Users and audiences are always trying to get rid of these types of ads and disable them; Because this model of ads is displayed to users at the wrong time and place, so users usually close pop-up ads without looking at the image or text of the ad.

Make a popup in WordPress

Since more than 80% of the websites are designed and built with the WordPress content management system, many web admins and web designers are always looking for the best pop-up plugins in WordPress to pop-up ads without any programming. Add your comment to the website.

If your website is built with WordPress, you can easily enable pop-up ads on your website using WordPress plugins; One of the best plugins you can use to create pop-ups is the Layered Popups plugin. This plugin gives you beautiful features. You can use this WordPress plugin to:

  • Add attractive elements to your ads.
  • Write promotional text.
  • Fully customize pop-up colors and templates.
  • Specify on which devices (mobile, tablet, desktop) these ads will be displayed.
  • Specify how these ads will be displayed to users a few seconds after they log in to your web page or pages.
  • Determine on which pages of your website these ads will be displayed. (You can enter the URL of your landing page in this plugin.)  
  • Enable A / B campaigns on your website. 
  • Specify from which email the pop-up will be sent. 

Advantages and disadvantages of pop-up display on the website

As you probably know, most online business owners and web admins use this type of online advertising for their special sales campaigns or to encourage users to enter email and subscribe to the newsletter. But if you, as an internet marketer or a webmaster, want to add this feature to your website, you should definitely weigh in a bit and consider all the pros and cons of doing this carefully. Here are some pros and cons of pop-up ads.

The benefits of displaying pop-ups on the website

In short, pop-up ads have two major advantages: 

Very low cost

Perhaps the first advantage that pop-up ads have over other ad models is their meager cost; It is even interesting to know that this type of advertising is in most cases completely free because you can activate pop-up ads for your website by installing and activating several free plugins from the WordPress repository. But if you want to have more professional pop-up ads with more features, you can buy non-free pop-up plugins (but in our opinion, there is no need to make paid pop-up ads!)

Generate buyer user traffic

One of the most important reasons why web admins use this ad model more than other ads, such as banner ads, matched ads, reporting, etc., is that pop-up ads can be used by users interested in the target field of work at a lower cost. Become a customer. In addition to increasing site sales, pop-up ads can also increase your newsletter subscriptions by up to 40%, which is very attractive for internet marketing.

Disadvantages of using pop-ups

In addition to their attractive advantages, pop-up ads also have disadvantages, two of which are: 

Pop-up is a hassle

One of the major drawbacks of pop-up ads is the annoyance and hassle of website users. Let’s look at it from a regular audience. Someone at Google is looking for new features and capabilities of the Samsung A21 but has no intention of buying it; So he enters one of the websites that are on the first page of Google results, and just a few seconds after opening the description page of the Samsung A21 phone, he is suddenly shown a huge discount pop-up advertisement and encourages him to buy a mobile phone. This causes harassment of users and has a detrimental effect on the brand of the website.

Decreased site ranking

Despite the excessive display of pop-up ads, the intended user enters every page of this website, encounters pop-up ads, and a huge window covers the entire page. As a result, this issue annoys that person. It leaves the site. . By repeating these things to other website users, Google realizes that the content of that website is not attractive to users, and this causes the site to drop in rank and is a huge weakness for SEO.

Also, a pop-up display will increase your site bounce rate, which is not good at all.

Total resulting

We hope you enjoy reading this article. This article tried to explain the simple definition of pop-up advertising and its advantages and disadvantages. We also introduced a WordPress plugin for pop-ups.

You decide to consider the pros and cons of pop-ups and decide whether or not to use pop-ups. 🙂

 be victorious.

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