What impact does keyword repetition have on SEO

What impact does keyword repetition have on SEO

Before addressing the impact of keyword repetition on SEO, I should give a brief explanation to all my audiences who do not know what SEO is.

What is SEO

SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, means website optimization for search engines such as GoogleBing, etc…

If you search for a particular topic on Google, type in a particular word that counts as the main word of that topic in Google and press Enter. Google will search and show you a site with a better SEO and higher rank. This definition was a brief definition of SEO.

One of the most important parts of SEO is content SEO, where you have to use keywords so that Google recognizes exactly what your article and content is about to show the best results to users.

Now the question is, how many times should we use a keyword in our content?

How to find a keyword

As a content producer, you may be involved in finding a keyword or even finding a topic to write or produce your content to use that keyword to SEO your content and show yourself to the user in Google results.

One way to find the best keyword is to use a website or Google keyword planner service. You will find thousands of suggestions from this Google service by searching for the intended word, with which you can write attractive content with repetitious keywords.

Find the most interesting theme for content production

Maybe you are one step behind finding a keyword; you probably do not know exactly what content to produce in your field!

It does not matter; you can use Google suggestions when searching or Google suggestions after searching for a keyword or topic.

Repetition of keywords or keyword density in content

Repetition of keywords in any content, also called content keyword density, depends on many things, such as the length of that content, your competitors in Google results, and the number of synonyms defined for that keyword.

It would help if you tried to use the right number of keywords and synonyms in your content. Do not worry; Google will recognize them. Read our article on Keyword Stuffing.

What should be the keyword density and repetition of keywords in the content?

If you use WordPress, you are probably also using SEO plugins. Popular plugins such as Rank Math and Yoast SEO are the most powerful WordPress SEO plugins automatically recognizable. They determine the appropriate density of keywords in the content with red, yellow, and green colors.

Otherwise, you should know that the repetition of keywords and their density in the content should include one percent of that content; that is, one out of every 100 words should be a keyword.

That was just the main part of the story. Now that competitors in Google are struggling to get a Google link, you need to pay attention to the synonyms and keywords.

Next, we will look at the most important areas in which keywords should be used.

The most important places for keywords

Using repetitious keywords is very important to increase the density of words in the content and get a Google ranking.

Using WordPress plugins such as Yoast and Rank Math will show you the message that you should also use your keyword in the unique link. Although this section has nothing to do with repetitious keywords, I suggest using the English keyword to maintain the appearance.

We at MihanPress use the English keyword in the unique links section because Google displays Persian text cluttered but neatly shows English.

Important points about the repetition of keywords and increase the density and its impact on SEO

First of all, you have to write for the user. One of the questions that are always repetitive is that if we must use one keyword in every 10 words when writing content?

Well, the answer is no; why? Because you have to follow the rules of writing. First of all, write to the user. We do not want to annoy the user with the keyword.

If the user does not enjoy your writing, he will leave your website and go to the next site, which means a negative score from Google for your site. Not only will you not get a better ranking, but a worse score will probably lead you to lower links.

Find etymon keywords to avoid using duplicate keywords

Try to find new words and decorate your content with new and less-used words so that people enjoy reading that content more. To do this, I suggest you read more and find your keyword and its synonym in Google before writing an article.

What keywords should we use for better SEO?

You’ve probably heard that you need to use long keywords to have a better SEO. Due to specialized content, you get results sooner, and if you can replicate long keywords in your content writing, you will get an excellent result because you see the effect very quickly.

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