Ways to reduce website indexing time on Google

Ways to reduce website indexing time on Google

From the first day I launched my website, the following questions came to me: Should I submit my site to Google? Introduce my website sitemap to Google?! I said yes, and that was the next question. How to reduce website indexing time? Reputable sites are indexed in Google for a few days, and how did they get ranked from Google ?! These are questions that have come up for you. I’m sure you would like to know precisely why when Ertano publishes a post, it ends up on the first pages of Google a few hours later.

In this article, we will discuss the critical issue of how long it takes to register a site on Google? It would help if you got ranked by Google in a few days and sent your crawler bots to index your site.

Reduce website indexing time on Google

In this section, I will tell you the words to know how long it takes to register a site in Google, and later we will teach you how to speed up this process with the available techniques and be recognized very quickly by Google bots. Activate our site and increase the power of our domain very quickly.

According to experience and SEO experts: the duration of site registration and site content in Google is, on average, between 1 hour and sometimes 24 hours. But in some cases, page changes may take up to a week or two. In the following, we have dealt with critical points to reduce the time of site indexing in Google.

We always have to do things to be seen and get paid every month in our personal lives. Our salaries may be calculated daily, weekly, or monthly. Exactly Google also goes through indexing our site and depends on many elements that it takes a few days for our site to be registered in Google.

Be careful that search engine crawlers do not crawl your site; no matter how hard you try, it will not work. After making sure of this, you should pay attention to regular updates of your site! For example, complete articles, and update your site UI and UX. One of the updating techniques is that you sometimes do not write enough articles on your site that you can update.

Another important reason for reducing the time it takes to register a site on Google is the Domain Authority, which we talked about earlier in the article What is the importance of domain and page importance and what effect they have, which means that the more critical your domain is, Or if your activity is higher on a domain, it will be given a higher rank and will be prioritized for indexing in Google.

How to reduce indexing time

There are always shortcuts to getting things done faster, either good or bad. Here are some simple ways to consider before creating a site and up to site management to get your site and articles indexed as quickly as possible.

Create value

To quickly grow your site’s articles and pages by Google and reduce the time it takes to submit to Google is to create a valuable site with user-friendly content. Try new ideas and work hard on your site user experience. Create value for your food.

Convenient user interface for ease of operation

To reduce the time it takes to register a site on Google, try to make all your pages designed for human use so that your site users do not get tired while working with your site. This is called creating the right user experience. For example, use rounded squares and observe the white ratio to the text and the template.

Internal linking and navigation

Try to use internal and external links in your articles and link to the previous page and categories and tags, and critical articles through the navigation bar so that these links are constantly reviewed.

Speed ​​and simplicity

Many people turn to JavaScript to make their work more attractive and want to have an animated, creative and attractive site! Unfortunately, this slows down the site and increases the registration time for Google. The faster and simpler your site is, the faster your site will be indexed and indexed by Google. Your site should be searchable after reading the HTML.

Put ALT tag for photos

The more you can speak the written language with Google and its bots, the more time you have to save the site in Google. Use English in your URL and consider the ALT tag for each image except the caption.

Show your sitemap to Google

One of the most important things you can do to reduce the time it takes to submit a site to Google is introducing the site path or sitemap to Google’s crawling bots. These files are called robot.txt.

Faster site indexing in Google

Another essential thing to reduce the time it takes to submit a site to Google is to use the Inspect URL tool in the Google Search Console, where you can manually submit your site to the Google search engine. Still, there is no guarantee that your URL is valid. And that page will be indexed! But in most cases, this is effective in speeding up the site’s indexing. Your website and articles may be indexed and not displayed in the results over time.

Link building and reducing site indexing time in Google

In addition to internal and external linking in the content, which allows Google crawlers to access all sections of our site and gain credibility for each article and page with other internal or external pages and articles, we can also use backlinks. Suppose you are consulting for employment in a company, the friends of the manager of that company have also introduced you and approved you! This is a credit that allows you to be accepted without any problems or worries. Faster indexing is now practical with referrals from other sites and reduces the time it takes for a site to register with Google.

Always be developing

Part of updating is precisely related to site development. For example, a structure is under construction, and you pass in front of it every day, and you see the progress of the work every day, and if the structure is beautiful and attracts your attention, you will admire it and compliment it to your friends.

You also need to develop your site, make it more beautiful and follow the technical structure better. For example, Homeland WordPress has a very high speed, and its pages load very quickly for you. The time for registering a site in Google for Homeland WordPress has been reduced so much that articles with tough keywords can be seen in Google results after one day.

You can be anywhere to be indexed by Google

One of the things you need to do as a webmaster is that your site name should appear on all social networks, blogs, and even comments on competing site articles. This will make your site name more familiar to Google and put you in its categories faster, which can effectively reduce the time it takes for a site to register with Google or be indexed by Google.

  • Be present on social networks such as Instagram and Twitter.
  • Tell us about your site in blogs.
  • Wherever you are, you can link to your site or page.
  • Categorize your site into directories (blog, business, personal site, etc.)

Use social media to gain credibility

As I mentioned above, extreme social networks like Instagram have a very high reputation. If a high-ranking page, such as those with high followers, on Instagram or Twitter, links to your site will have a very high reputation. You can use this credit to reduce the time it takes to submit a site to Google or be indexed by Google.

You can no longer underestimate the power of social media today. Suppose you have a natural 50K followers on Instagram, and every news article you publish is read by at least 10,000 people right from the start.


In this article, we tried to introduce all the valuable solutions that will make your site index in a short time, or you will face a significant reduction in the time it takes to register your site on Google. We tried to share all our experiences on this issue with you. Thank you for being with us so far.

be triumphant and victorious:)

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