Ways to Reduce Bounce Rate and Increase Sales

Ways to Reduce Bounce Rate and Increase Sales

First of all, we must say that reducing the bounce rate has many different solutions. But if your website has a high bounce rate, you have to admit that it has a significant problem. Of course, as you know, in digital marketing, bounce rate is a critical issue and shows the level of satisfaction of the user experience of your website. In the following, we will explain what bounce rate is and how it can be improved, so stay tuned.

What is Bounce Rate

The number of people who leave without using your website determines the bounce rate. In other words, bounce rate is a traffic standard that shows the number of people who leave your website with just one page. The more you try to get a better website, the lower the bounce rate.

How to calculate bounce rate by Google Analytics

According to Google, when a user visits only one page of your website and leaves it without using another page, Google Analytics considers it a bounce rate. There is a bounce rate that is calculated.

What problems does the bounce rate cause

A high bounce rate indicates inefficiency and problem in your website strategy, and you need to correct it. For example, your homepage may not be well designed, or your site may have a problem loading. We have to say that there are many reasons for the high Bounce Rate and it is not the only reason for your website not working. To determine precisely where the problem comes from, you need to measure the bounce rate at different time intervals. Of course, note that this is just one factor that determines your site’s quality. To improve performance, you need to reduce the bounce rate, but you should not be too obsessive.

Is a high bounce rate bad for all websites

Not. You need to evaluate the purpose of your website and the information you provide to the user. For example, if your website contains phone numbers or links that users are just looking for and leaves the website after finding the information they are looking for, a high bounce rate is not alarming. But if you are creating content in areas where the user needs to spend more time reading content, the lower your website bounce rate, the lower the quality of the content.

Relationship of bounce rate and SEO

The bounce rate reflects the audience’s connection to your website and user experience. So it can be said that it has a direct relationship with SEO, and the lower the bounce rate, the more likely the site is to be SEO. Although bounce rate is not an accurate measure of metrics, Google does consider it one of the quality metrics of a website.

Ways to reduce bounce rate

If your website’s bounce rate is very high or constantly changing, here are some tips to help you improve it.

Increase website speed

The high speed of the website and its loading is one of the most important things that reduce the bounce rate. Most users who leave your site in the first few seconds are slow or incorrect. It can even be said that the loading speed is more important than the content. Because if the site does not load properly or is slow; It doesn’t matter if the content is good or bad. Because the user could not use it.

  • According to official Google statistics, more than 47% of users expect the website to load in less than two seconds.
  • You can check the speed of your website using tools like GTmetrix….
  • To speed up your site, you need to pay special attention to things like photo and video optimization, high-speed hosting, text optimization, CDN, and so on.

Proper design

Note that the shape and appearance of your site should be best designed. Almost everything users should be included on the front page to find the part they want quickly. Of course, its volume should not be large or complex, which will negatively affect the site’s loading speed.

You can link to other articles on your website about the article’s topic the user is reading. Or you can even link to a specific website or software if you talk about it. But be careful not to overdo it because it makes the text look bad and makes the audience feel that what you have presented is not helpful and efficient. The links you use should be completely relevant and useful.

Create a CTA (Call to Action)

One of the best ways to improve your user experience is to reduce your CTA bounce rate. Because it allows the audience to spend more time on your website and click on a link, this is why you sometimes see “Read more” at the bottom of some of the content. It allows the user to interact with your site, and this is important for Google.

Use less tools and ad frames

Templates with crowded sidebars are not optimal and do not look good. If you overcrowd the sidebar, the audience will be confused. This also applies to ads that are placed on the side of the website.

Check the bounce rate at different times

You should check the bounce rate at different times and pages to see if the problem is with just one page of your website or a problem with it. If all pages have a high bounce rate, there is probably a problem with the content.

Modify product pages

If you have a store website, there may be a problem with product pages. For example, they may not be loaded correctly; there is not enough information about the product on the page, the price of the products is high, it is not transferred to a sound banking portal. So you should check your product pages and make changes to them; maybe this can reduce the bounce rate.


This article tried to explain what the bounce rate is, how Google calculates it, and what affects it. We also wanted to tell you the most practical ways to reduce the bounce rate. We hope we have been able to help you solve your problem.

be triumphant and victorious. 🙂

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