Types of redirections and what redirects should we use

Types of redirections and what redirects should we use

Whether you are a novice or an SEO expert, you need to work with WordPress redirects soon. Because everyone should be able to transfer different URLs from one website to another, this is usually required when you delete a page from your website or change the URL of a particular page. But what are the types of redirections, and which ones should we use?

What is a redirection

Redirection means moving the page from one address to another. We will notify the search engines to use another temporary or permanent page.

You may have changed your website URL completely. It means changing the domain of the website. In this case, too, you must use redirects.

When do we need a redirect

  • When we want to change the domain of the website.
  • We want to delete a page.
  • When we have error 404.
  • Change website address to address without WWW
  • Move your content management system.
  • Change the Permalinks in wordpress

How to create a redirect

There are several ways to create a redirect in WordPress. One of these methods is to use WordPress redirect plugins. For example, you can use the premium version of Yoast SEO or plugins such as Redirection that will redirect you.

Let’s get acquainted with HTTP codes

We have already talked about HTTP codes. The HTTP code specifies how the server responded to our request. When we encounter error code 404, it means that nothing was found.

But when we come across the 3XX series code, the code means that a redirect must occur. So let’s talk about the 3XX code series.

Types of redirects

In general, there are several redirect codes in web servers.

  • 301 Permanent
  • 302 Found
  • 307 Temporary

Of course, there are also codes 410 and 451, which 410 means content removal, and 451 means no access for legal reasons. These two codes are not considered redirects, but you can use them.

301 Redirection

Redirect 301 means that you have changed the URL of this page forever, and search engines are required to change the URL of this page to a new URL. So we use this redirect model when we have changed the address forever.

302 Redirection

Redirect 302 means found. This means that this address was found, and this is the correct address. But the difference between a 301 redirect, and a 302 redirect is that in a 301 redirect, the address changes forever, but in a 302 redirect, the page address changes temporarily, and the previous address may be used in the future.

307 Redirection

In a 307 redirect, you have temporarily changed the address and will probably use the old address in the future. But that’s exactly like a 302 redirect! We can say yes almost! Of course, 307 redirects appeared on the web after HTTP 1.1. The difference between Redirect 302 and 307 is that in Redirect 302, you incomprehensibly notify the Google bots that the content has been redirected. Still, in Redirect 307, you explicitly state that the URL has been temporarily changed, and we will use the previous URL in the future.

These factors affect the transfer of SEO value from the old URL to the new URL.

Good luck. 🙂

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