Display one website on another with the WordPress iframe plugin

Display one website on another with the WordPress iframe plugin

Some people want to create an iFrame page on their site. An iframe is used to display one website on another. First, let me introduce you to the phrase iframe. Iframe stands for Inline Frame and is one of the HTML tags used to display a web page on the part of your site.

Generally, when you want to display another website’s content on your site, use the Advanced iFrame plugin (creating iframe pages in WordPress). This is very easy to do, and you can only create and display your favorite frame pages with the shortcode [advanced_iframe securitykey =””].

Display one website on another

In the past, some webmasters or spammers put iFrame pages inside other pages with a different theme so that they could increase the ranking of their site. By doing so, they were trying to mislead the search engines, and for this reason, the presence of iFrame pages in the eyes of search engines was considered a negative point after a while, and Google countered this issue.

However, some websites still use this method to attract a large audience. In some cases, iFrame can increase your website traffic and make your internet business thrive. But the point is, you should not use them too much on your site because Google considers them a negative point for you.

Another critical point in this regard is that you should try to use iFrames on the internal pages of your site and not refer them to other sites. Join us now to learn how to do this.

Introducing the Advanced iFrame plugin

With these explanations that we have told you so far, you can decide whether to use iFrame on your site or not. But if you want to use them on your website, you should know that this is very simple, and WordPress offers a straightforward and practical way to display iFrame on the site.

To do this on your website, we introduce you to the Advanced iFrame plugin. This plugin helps you quickly add iFrame pages to your website in minutes. Using this plugin is that you do not need to code a single line.

This application plugin is registered in the WordPress repository, and you can do it from the bottom of this page or your WordPress repository to download it. This plugin has been installed and activated on more than 60,000 different sites.

Main Features of Advanced iFrame Plugin

  • Security code: You can only enter the shortcode with a valid security code from the management
  • Modify CSS style
  • Specify the display of the frame until the page is fully loaded.

How to work with the Advanced iFrame plugin

In the first step, install and activate the plugin. You have to go to Plugins> Add and search for this plugin and then launch and activate it.

Install the Advanced iFrame plugin
Install the Advanced iFrame plugin

Once you have enabled this plugin on your site, a new menu called Advanced iFrame will be added to the WordPress counter. You can enter the plugin settings page and configure it through this menu. This plugin has six tabs, each with its application.

Basic Settings

The first thing you need to do is first click on the Basic Settings tab here.

Then a page like the one below will open for you where you have to click the Generate a Shortcode button to get a shortcode. You can use this shortcode to display iFrames on different pages and tabs of your site.

Security code is required to create pages. After the security code, write the address of the content or site that you want to be displayed on your site and specify the width and height of the page if needed. Finally, you can specify the settings for the iFrame width, whether the scroll box in the iFrame is on or off, the external spacing for the iFrame, and the style and class.

After inserting the shortcode, click on publish and see the preview of the frame pages on your site. You can also click the Add Advanced iframe button in the editor and add the shortcode.

Advanced Settings

This part of the plugin gives you more and more comprehensive settings. When you click on the first option, a page will open for you with the following settings.

Advanced Features

Scrolls The Parent Window/iframe To The Top: You specify that when you scroll through the iFrame page and that page ends, your site page scrolls. You can enable or disable this option at will.

Hide The iframe Until It Is Loaded: You can specify that the frame is loaded after the page is fully loaded.

Resize The iframe To The Content Height / Width

Resize iframe To Content Height: This option is to adjust the height of the iFrame page relative to the content page of the destination site. Set this to Yes if you want to do this. You can also use the Store Height In Cookie option on this page to allow users to save the iFrame page size in their browser cookie.

Modify The iframe

With this section, you can show different parameters or hide them. Here you can enter their names in the Hide Elements In iframe section to hide the various parameters of the site. The Modify The Parent Page section is also for you to hide specific parameters.

Add / include Files

Another popular tab in this plugin is called Add / include Files. In this section, you can display specific content based on jQuery. You can enter a specific ID and class for this.

Of course, you should keep in mind that using this section is only possible when the content is related to the same domain. So enter your URL here first, and then in the Include Content section, you have to enter your desired ID. The Include Height option is for you to specify the frame height, and the Include Fade is for setting the content display time in milliseconds.

good luck. 🙂

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