Make Money Through In-Site Advertising – Profitable Or Unprofitable
- Digital Marketing
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Before or after launching your site, you should definitely have a good revenue plan for your business. A plan that helps you be more profitable day by day and continue to work in your field. But sometimes you are really interested in a particular topic. But you will not find any way to make money from it. For example, you like to work in the field of games and computer games. But you do not have products and services to offer in this area. So you have to think about making money through ads on the site. In this article, we examine whether this method is cost-effective or not ?!
Earn money through on-site advertising
To continue this topic, let me talk about my little experience in this field. Like everyone else, I did not know what product or service to offer to make money online.
Due to my young age (I started earning money from the internet at 13), I did not have any products or services to offer. But I knew I could launch a high-traffic site. I knew that content production was something I was going to do forever. So I started launching a technology website. I launched a site called Rad IT. Of course, this website is not currently managed by me, and after I did not renew its domain, someone else registered it. But let’s take a look at the situation of this website from 2007 to 2008.
When I started this website, I did not find a way to make money on the Internet. So I immediately chose to make money through ads on the site. There was no such thing as “smart ads” or “smart ads” as we see them today. The ultimate goal was to make money through ads, pop-ups, or banner ads for affiliate marketing sites. Let’s take a look at each of these methods.
Make money through pop-ups
In those days, making money through pop-ups was really cheap. In the 1990s in the United States, making money through pop-ups was a perfect way. If you’ve seen The Social Network, somewhere in the film, Mark Zuckerberg talks to an experienced person, and the discussion is about making money from Facebook pop-up ads. In the ’80s and early ’90s, the income of many sites was based on pop-ups.
In pop-up ads, as soon as the user clicks on any part of the page, an ad is displayed in a new browser window. Using such a method is not really effective today. Because both Google ranks such ads negatively and most browsers have popup blockers. So you will not have much income from this method.
Make money through sales collaboration sites
A new example of this method is collaboration in selling sites like Digikala. Of course, people today have more confidence in online shopping. But in the 1980s, revenue from sales collaboration was not very profitable. Honestly, during the few years that I was earning money through cooperation in sales, I only made a profit of 4,000 Tomans. It resulted from the profit of cooperation in selling 2 products that one of my friends and I bought.
But for now, earning money by collaborating on the sale of Digikala and Amazon is one of the best ways to make money through site advertising. You can make a great profit by registering in sales collaboration systems. For this, you can search for “sales cooperation” on Google.
More modern methods: click advertising
Later in the ’90s, sites with the theme of click advertising began to operate. One of the best, with only one Instagram page left today, was Anetwork. A company that makes great profits for web admins. Another example is Saba Vision, which is still active.
These sites are an intermediary in banner and click advertising. They provide you with a code that you can put on your site to earn money for the number of clicks on your site. They receive a sum of money from the advertiser for each click, and after deducting their own commission, they deposit the amount of the click to your account as the display. A perfect external example of these services is Google Adsense.
Best practice now: Re-targeting ads
I have not made money through advertising for several years. But I see really profitable methods. A new method of click-through advertising that targets the user again. I’ve talked about retargeting ads before. But in short, you enter our site. So you are interested in digital marketing and WordPress. Now you enter the Sports 3 site, and it will see the banner of our site. Why? Because you have already entered our site.
In this method, the user is directly re-targeted. So your click-through rate on our ads in Sport 3 will be higher. Both we sell more and sport 3 makes more profit. Because there are more clicks on its ads.
So if you want to choose the best way to earn money through ads on the site, one of the best ways is targeted advertising. Do a Google search for retargeting ads and register as a display website.
Be happy and victorious. 🙂 Do not forget if you offer value to the user. You can make money in any way you want.
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