Service Logistic

Service Logistics

Always Reliable...

As a leading company in transportation affairs, Service Logistics has provided the best logistics solutions with competitive prices for its customers in cities and ports of different countries with strong and extensive connections at the global level.

Why Service Logistics?

Safe and Secure

Providing safe and secure shipping services to different parts of the world

High Quality

Providing quality and cost-effective logistics solutions

Best Rate

Providing the best shipping prices from different ports in the world

Extensive Services

Providing all commercial services and international trade

Logistic Service

About Us

Service Logistics as the leading company in transportation affairs, having strong and extensive connections at the global level, the best logistics solutions with competitive prices for its customers in cities and ports of different countries. Service Logistics provides comprehensive services in the field of freight forwarding and logistics by sea, land, and air.

Our Services

We are with you in ocean, sky and earth.

Maritime Transportation

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Ground Transportation

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Air Transportation

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Transportation By Train

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Statistics of Service Logistics in 2024

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TEU Container
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